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Mint Can Be a Problem for Some
Dr. Norman F. Childers

My hip ache disappeared when daily consumption of a small sugar/mint stick after dinner was stopped (1994).  Sugar did not seem to be a factor.  Several years ago a lady from Indiana complained of peppermint giving her arthritic pains.  Recently, we have had other complaints so we consulted a reference, "Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods", National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. 1973.  Peppermint oil is 40% menthol which is also found in small amounts in chocolate, yarrow, and eucalyptus.  The oil is widely used as a perfume ingredient and flavoring in candies, cough drops, mouthwash, cigarettes, pills, space deodorants, chewing gum, liquors, tooth paste, etc.  This more or less insures sensitizing some people.  Cases of uratica (hives) have been reported, eczema-like skin irritations, heart fibrillation (long intake of 225+ grams of peppermint candy daily), reduction of loss of ability to smell, and toxic psychosis of a 58-yr. woman addicted to menthol cigarettes.  Symptoms disappear when the source is stopped or greatly reduced.