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Vitamin D3
Dr. Norman F. Childers

Dr. Michael Holick, Boston Medical College, analyzed 42 cartons of milk and 10 cans of infant formulas from five states and found wide variations in content of Vitamin D3.  Sixty-two percent of the samples had less D than labeled.  Three of 14 skim milk samples had no vitamin D added.  Seven of the infant D formulas had twice the amount of D listed, All had too much.
Another study found eight cases of vitamin D intoxication traced to a single dairy  In one case they found 580 times the recommended level of D3, which is the very active form of D.  Three times the normal dosage found in the formula samples can cause appetite and weight loss, and for the elderly a kidney failure.  This study should be a "red flag" to the milk industry and health officials for better monitoring.  This could be one of the problems with milk.

A 3-year study by Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, concluded that men lose about 2% of their bone mass annually after 30 years while women start after menopause.  Study involved the spine and forearms.  The cause of this is still unknown.  Men may lose half their bone mass in a lifetime.  Calcium ingestion and vitamin D, recommended by some doctors, did not slow the loss in women.  Livestock research, as discussed in the Diet book, has shown that excess vitamin D, mainly D3, can increase the loss of calcium from bone structure, as yet unknown to the medical profession and most nutritionists.

We DO need some vitamin D, particularly children, for bone development.  Normally, adults get enough vitamin D from the sun if they are out-of-doors more of less daily.  In excess, vitamin D can cause osteo-problems, particularly the D3 form, added to cow's milk (not goat's), morning cereals, jello, pills, some margarines, and a number of foods and drink (read labels).  In fact, D3 at 0.075% is used as a ration, "True Grit Rampage," to poison the hardest-to-kill Northern Rat better than Warafin.  The problem is that modern nutritionists are not aware of the D3 in nightshades naturally.  The food nightshades often make up a fourth of our plates.  The D3 can cause osteo-like arthritis in livestock as discussed with photographs in the Diet book.  Actually, the amount of vitamin D naturally in a wide variety of food is not known.  Reason is that analysis of vitamin D content is difficult and expensive.  A specialist in the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tells us there is no real demand for the amount of D in foods since it is assumed by nutritionists the situation is satisfactory as is, and in fact people may not be getting enough D, mainly seniors.

The news media and advertisers lead you to believe that calcium can be gotten only from milk and pills.  Not so.  All fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and poultry products have calcium; some a bit more than others.  Plants and animals cannot survive without calcium, which is taken into their tissues.  The problem seems to be not a shortage of calcium in foods and drinks, but a factor or factors (excess D, D3, and synthetic A vitamins) taken into the body that cause a nutrient imbalance and an unwanted type movement and calcium deposits in the body.  The cholesterol problem actually could be initially an excess vitamin problem.  See Chapter IV and photographs by Dr. G.A. Davis in 1999 edition of the Diet book.