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Pets Get Arthritis
Dr. Norman F. Childers

This is a police dog in Gainesville, FL limping so badly he can hardly keep up with his walking master.
The dog in the photograph has a bad limp in the hind legs and can only move forward with considerable effort.  Labels on pet food show inclusion of the very active vitamin D3, and palmitate ester vitamin A, which cooperator surveys have shown tend to aggravate osteoarthritis, and when removed form the diet, the arthritic progression is stopped with gradual improvement towards recovery.  These vitamins are also added to livestock and pet feed.  Livestock, of course, are sent to market early with little time to show arthritic-like symptom development.  But the question arises if these vitamins accumulate in animal fat tissues and egg yolks which could account for some of the "meat, butter, milk, and egg" problems in arthritis, and the need for cutting away the fat from meat.  These vitamins also are added to milk.  Vitamins D and A can be among the most toxic vitamins when accumulated in excess.  Repeat, vitamin D3, naturally is developed in nightshades which is unknown to most nutritionists and doctors.  Interestingly, arthritic symptoms are rarely seen in wild dogs and animals.  Are we doing a favor to pets by feeding them our "nutritious" human diets?  I recall a professor at Rutgers University telling me his dog had been yelling with pain in his doghouse all night with the neighbors phoning in.  On questioning, he was feeding the dog scrap potato peels which are the highest in potato toxins.  He stopped feeding the peels.  The dog stopped yelling.